misty rain day... began working on the six crab pots, (new rope, boxes, cleaning, rigging, floating and the "get-ready" for this season.... got too cold,had to take a break,

One hundred and twenty years ago today, on February 15, 1898, a mysterious explosion ripped through the hull of the American battleship USS Maine, at anchor in Havana harbor in Cuba. The ship sank killing 266 of the 350 men aboard. 

The loss of the USS Maine heightened the tension between the United States and Spain. Cuba was a Spanish colony and the island was gripped in a rebellion against Spain. USS Maine was in Havana to protect U.S. interests.  
It was widely assumed at the time that the Spanish had placed a mine or launched a torpedo which sank the ship.  The American press whipped up the  American public with the slogan, “Remember the Maine. The Hell with Spain.”  After initially attempting to continue with ongoing diplomacy, the US declared war on Spain on April 25, 1898. By August 1898, Spain had ceded Cuba, along with the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam, to the United States. 

The treaty was signed on December 10, 1898, and ended the Spanish–American War, Cuba then gained formal independence from the U.S. on May 20, 1902, as the Republic of Cuba

The United States assumed territorial control over the US Guantánamo Bay Naval Base and Harbor under a 1903 Lease agreement that still stands.