1-5 JANUARY 2018 - M/V So...fea DECK LOG

1 through 5 January 2018 combined Deck Log:

Weather: the same daily for all 5 days, low 36, high 52 mostly blue skies-puffy clouds-5 minute sprinkles, sun, clouds, sun, clear skies at night, more like spring than winter !

Winds: non-stop constant from East & SE, 8 mph day-20 mph @ night with gusting , chimes and lantern never resting,

Seas: fast moving wind waves  & white caps choppy 24 hour non-stop, rolling boils overnight dock slamming and bobbing, fast flow ! very high tides (full moon)

Events: none in-harbor or aboard, too much rock and roll gyrating, check and retie, squalls, dock dried towels from the flood, 5th lots of foamy air in dock water ? jacked pressure up to 42 PSIG

Notes: cleaned out van, erected warehouse shelves and pre-sorted, lights to shelves, emptying out Michelle's store,  one day lost to shopping, computer time spent pondering and rethinking actions for the upcoming public meeting on the 9th, cleaned off the top deck piles from light show teardown.

Bob Ross, over in B-3 traded his 28 foot sail boat for a 35 foot motor home on NewYear's Eve, and vanished to Nevada on the 3rd ! Gone !

Amber's rooftop Crab Shack sign destroyed itself over the week-end, I called her.

2017 Christmas Light Contest winner Port of Siuslaw 22 December