In comes the hate mail, we have been "red flagged" !
It's not about people trying to take our guns away because we are mentally, psychologically warped-in need of help, nuts, or dangerous... but because after being freed from the curse of having pets... we are re-animaling up.

Yesterdays post about "Tiger" filled my inbox, PETA is leaving me voice mails, even the anti-fur nutso's are trying to get this website banned.  This means we have issues...  and people are concerned for "their" safety !  we are dangerous, and a threat to ourselves !     ....remember, we stripped the boat of all cat/dog accouterments in preparation of selling out and leaving, we were free.... travel ready, ID/Passport primed.

When we lost Bonnie back in November 2020, then Yugo, Tooter and Winter passed on one-by-one from old age last Fall Spring (2022), we were finally "free" !  As Seniors you always worry who will get the granddog or grandcat should something happen, and, you know that to escape Communist America, any pets you have will cost more for a plane/boat ticket money than "your" fare... you remember that all Veterinarians have yacht payments to make, and pets are worse than human kids for throttling your activity planning, independence, bank account balance, and well, there is a lot more to this story.

Then reality sets in... are you actually going to cash out, reduce down to two steamer trunks, transfer your Social Security checks, VA benefits, and banking to Athens, get private health insurance, rebuy a car, rethink a new place to live, and restart all over at age 80 in the Balkans, with a language barrier, nasty weather and all-new surroundings ? plus even trust today's America to keep sending your social security checks?

"This" kind of retire in a foreign country thinking and planning is the wacko type of mental illness you should be red flagging people for (trusting in America)... not, getting new pet children, or owning a gun, in short... leaving (even traveling) is no longer an option.

Fearful as we are about our failing America, our justice system, our rigged elections, and a gazillion other manifesto followed items, the truth is, they have locked us "in" with Covid controls (vaccination proofs and travel restrictions), and can not be trusted to uphold and continue to mail my (SS) retirement funds, so, I am financially trapped in America... if we "have" to stay in America we may as well become pet parents again, and enjoy our last years with friends (fur and all). 

I can recall only three times (short periods all) in my life since age 8, when I (we) have not had multiple pets, these past months spent pet-less were anomalies, we still were constantly encroached with "phantom pet" retained habits developed... like closing doors, guarding portholes, putting away food, being aware of cords, using kid locks, and the flash-scare of some old no-no thing happening, the long term ingrained "habits" of being a pet parent and pet cohabiter. 

We honeymooned with three dogs, and could probably count 15 or so in our past, indoor cats maybe another 15 or so, like friends, they keep dying off, so now we are starting all over... anyone got a cat box scooper I can borrow ?

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