We write articles for research based journalists, newswires, and a few International publishers, like Heritage Travel magazine from Capetown, South Africa who uses my work frequently, here are some of last years banned articles about Boat Life... 


Jamile/Stef as a contributor to Heritage Travel e-zine, your Heritage Travel Mandella issue 15 carries on
another incremental month-to-month content polish by you two, I thought I might share some thoughts from an American (Serbian influenced) perspective. With all that is going on around us, it is refreshing to see your direction.

HERITAGE...Wanted or not, we all have it, pretty or not, it’s ours... we cannot change, or ignore it, and we certainly can not ever forget it !

The complexity of our individual, regional and national heritage takes us back to our tribal beginnings and native folklore customs (some are) still quietly here today, our foods, music, rituals, and belief systems are all intertwined in our heritage, they must be kept accurate.

TRAVEL... a simple word or concept we all use, it means to go somewhere, to move, or journey, right?

We almost always think of it as being a “physical” thing, and we treat it like an engineering Point A to Point B precedent, but it can be (and is) much much more, our very mental awareness relies on “travel” to connect things together for processing, learning, logic, memory, and that list goes on, but you get the drift. The connecting of things together is my favorite definition for travel.

When I first saw the cover of a Heritage Travel e-zine I saw those two words as meaning the same... like involving physical travel on a bus, carrying seats full of heritage on a journey... although the title can simply mean a trip to Rome, and a separate article on Balafon construction all in the same edition... but, is that not heritage traveling?

Man has wandered around on this planet for a long time, we have a gazillion political, economic, religious, ethnic excuses for our 2022 condition, but IMHO it only is based on our heritage travels, and almost certainly so will our future be. Regardless of “where” you spent your childhood, we all wandered off on our own, possibly got lost, yet, are reading this today still alive after Mom’s rant, the questions should be what were you seeking? and how did that experience impact you? Was it exciting or was it fearful?

For me it was exciting... I was an extrovert, inquisitive and unafraid, my entire family was the “complete opposite'', my family only ever traveled through my letters and storytelling visits (before the WWW).

I frequently meet people who have never been out of town, some... do not “want” to leave town, others are ripping at the restraints to see and experience whatever else is out there, to travel, to explore. There is a different experience to be had by these two types when riding in the same vehicle sitting next to each other... one travels, one takes a trip, in the end, only one “experienced” the day, which one wandered? Who smiled?

The stay at home anchorite and the world traveler both ask themselves “what are you looking for?” and the answers here are usually identical, history, continuity, security, and familiarity. Does travel give the world continuity, make you feel more secure, and therefore familiar... or does staying-put do that for you?

Heritage is an odd traveler, over time it breaks off pieces and rubs against other heritages, and sort of polishes itself along the way, it also attracts and attaches onto other heritage particles, the mix makes heritage an ever changing life form, by “connecting things together” through cultures, and events... not all of the famous world explorers (travelers) were seeking wealth and colonist agendas, some sincerely only want to share and learn.

A seasoned traveler's final call to return home is the same call that lives in the soul of the stay-at-home, that of preserving heritage; how well heritage is appreciated, remembered, presented, and protected is up to both, the home body and the traveler.

As we look around the globe for new and fresh, we must be ever careful to not diminish or not share the creek or pond down the way, the out of town fauna-flora, our landscape of today, and the stories from the ancients living in our realm, these too are our heritage, they are the color of “us”, and should be revered as being just as important as the far away statues of Greece and the museums of nations.

Not everyone sails the oceans, climbs the mountain peaks, roams major cities, or finds lost civilizations... Many live vicariously through online media sitting on their sofa, Heritage Travel e-zine is an apropos place to book a global sightseeing trip down through Heritage and to experience the thrill of simply wondering what's over that next hill, then the one after that, and... imagine.


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