BENCHMARK 15/22 - 15 NOVEMBER, 2022


Today is some sort of "special" day... I feel it, I must write about it, not that many will ever see my rant or care about what I say (as usual), but today is (will become) a memorable benchmark day in American history, it will be a shrill pivot of many swivels, one of those memorable epiphany days for a great many, and a "moment-in-time".

I write this at 0500 over coffee, it will be a long day…a plethora of International  “and” local political and institutional events converged to create today, most are still unnoticed by the unaware woefully ignorant masses, who will take weeks to awaken.  The incendiary events of today will burn a hole in our fabric, foul the air with an eye watering acrid stench of odd colored smoke, and set smoldering time delayed firebeds for later flare up.

Behind the curtains, a simultaneous series of untied knots will begin to tighten tonight, and the grip of this Marxist-globalist-regime (a cabal actually) will accelerate and intensify in an attempt to hide (continue to hide) the agenda by deflecting event truths and intents to stifle dissent.

Sadly, the few thousand of us in America who are aware of today's importance, can only watch and benchmark. The 2008 Whazammo sez’ treatise on “Amerizuela coming, since 1885” maybe should be rewritten and reprinted.

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