BACK TO IT - POST # 97 - (19 DEC)

Real weather returns ! rain, 50 degree days 40 degree nights, blustery wind, and 22 -24 foot waves over on the beach ! Tomorrow is the cattails launch day, final flush, gone, end of era, and back to the boat work.

Wondering about tonights big wind storm that 'just started" at 2200, rocking and rolling pretty good from the bow, still have the storm ties on, but it is pretty wild out there, got the new roku tv unpacked loaded, and watched it tonight, even on this pissy wifi, this will calm down the an'ya in the evenings, and make life good again.

Water will be good too, especially "hot" water.... fished the wire from the circuit breaker down into the engine room and across to midships, but, it was a terrible blind fight that took an hour and a half and killed my hands and shoulders, had to quit, The shower hook-in went awry, but, I will re-engineer something ?